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Christian Counseling

Find peace and guidance through faith to overcome emotional, psychological and spiritual challenges.

The term “Christian counseling” refers to a form of counseling that integrates psychological principles with Christian teachings and values. This approach is based on advice that uses the Christian faith to help people face emotional, psychological, spiritual and relational challenges.

Key Principles:


Spiritual Foundation

Christian counseling incorporates the Bible as sources of guidance and inspiration.


Christian Values ​​and Ethics

Professional ethics are in line with Christian teachings, promoting values ​​such as forgiveness, love, honesty and integrity.


Prayer and Religious Practices

Prayer is often an integral part of the counseling process, where the patient and counselor pray together and outside of sessions. Furthermore, meditation on the scriptures is also a practice incorporated into worship services.


Integration of Psychology and faith

Psychological counseling techniques are used combined with a deep knowledge of Christian theology, carrying out traditional psychological approaches, but contextualized within a Christian framework. This may involve using techniques from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), family therapy, and more while maintaining a Christian perspective.


Spiritual Transformation Goals

In addition to addressing emotional and psychological problems, Christian counseling often aims at spiritual growth, strengthening faith, understanding the purpose of life from a Christian perspective, and developing a deeper relationship with God.


Community and Social Support

Encouraging involvement in religious communities, such as churches or Bible study groups, is part of the healing process and ongoing support.



In situations that require psychiatric intervention or deeper spiritual counseling, the psychologist may refer you to multidisciplinary care in order to enhance the results of the treatment.

Do you want to schedule a diagnostic consultation?

Contact us.